Mr.Failuram appeared in the medical entrance exam, no wonder why he was out of list..lolz.. checkout his meaning on basic terminology......
Antibody - against everyone
Artery - the study of arts
Bacteria - back door to cafeteria
Cardiology - advance study of poker play
CT scan - applying antivirus to a city
Chronic- neck of crow
Coma - a punctuation
Cortisone - kourti's son
Cyst - short for sister
Diagnosis - person with slanted (oops diagonal) nose
Dislocation - in this (dis) location
Enema - not a fren
Fake labour - pretending to be worker
Genes- blue denim or Levis
Hernia- she is close by
Impotent- i am potent
Labour pain - pain to the worker
Lactose- person lacking toes
Lymph- walk unsteadily
Microbes- small dressing gown
Obesity- city of Obe
Pacemaker - winner of Nobel peace prize
Proteins- in favor of teens
Pulse - a kind cereals
Pus- small cat
Secretion - hiding anything
Tablet- small table
Ultrasound - radical noise
Urine - opposite of you are out
Varicose vein - very close van
God bless him! :))